Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I've got a treat for you…

Chris the Twillight Rider had the good idea to branch into the Beasts Of Bourbon. Nice, I can enjoy them again.
When I first bought one of their LP on Red Eye (their German label), I got one of the first few hundred limited edition… with a bonus 45! You'll get only 0ne song sadly, as I forgot to record (or was it a disk crash?) the other side.
This is the aptly named "Fucked-Up Blues", puts Captain Beefheart to shame.

Blow that harmonica, boy!


RYP said...

yeah weird! the Captain can't remember having recorded this one!

RYP said...

aah! in march I've posted "AXEMAN'S JAZZ" - THE BEASTS OF BOURBON with that killing version of "Psycho"! a must have!

FuzzyWasabi said...

Sorry, I fucked up… this song comes from my hard drive… it was certainly a B-side, but I now have laid my hand onto the correct 45 I wuz talking about… Will post it as soon as I've ripped it.
Where's my brain?

Joslyn said...

FUB is a great tune! Did you ever come up with the artist's name?