By popular demand, I've added tracklisting for each of the Fools on the Hill volume. I didn't want to do that initially, as some of songs and artists are quite well known. Normally, if you use iTunes, you will retrieve (upon importation) all the info in the ID3 tags. Same goes for the formats: .m4a is MPEG-4 audio and is supported by iTunes. Most of the volumes are in MP3, which is not as good quality-wise. I will eventually post all the next volumes in MP3. BTW, it is possible to convert m4a into mp3 using SoundConverter for example. We just have a small problem: Volume 3 has gone missing. It was the Mersey Beat volume. We will locate another copy, but it will take some time. So next post will jump straight to Volume 4.
I have to give credit where it's due: the compiler is Sylvain, not me. He has a far more extensive knowledge of 60's music (not to mention good taste) than me.
Thanks for the comments!
Hi. Great comps, particularly the first volume. A good add to RYP and Gyro's work over there in the Twilight Zone. Thanks very much, Philip.
Well, that's a compliment! Thanks.
Merci beaucoup pour ton blog que je viens de découvrir par TZ. Plein de belles choses : la série Justafixation, impossible à trouver, de l'afrobeat goûtu, et ces homemade comps Fools On The Hill, superbes et bien pensées.
Un avis en passant : je suis partisan du format m4a, parce que sur Mac et surtout parce que ce format est supérieur au mp3. Et puis rejetons la dictature windows, que diable !
En tout cas, merci encore !!!
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